Over the past 10 years we have tried several high-end diesel fuel additives. None of them performed as well as Fuel Right.
We are looking for a few specific performance parameters. Cost was not one of our concerns.
Fuel Right is the only product that we have found that meets those 3 parameters.
It does a lot more than that.
If you are storing gasoline or diesel fuel in boats or any kind of machinery, Fuel Right will make your start-up much easier and cleaner. We run Fuel Right in both of our diesel trucks and our diesel generator. We never have issues with difficult starting even when working in Northern Ontario in the winter where temperatures of -30 are common.
Fuel Right is used in almost every Ontario Government building that has a generator (that’s a couple of hundred) and we use it at every job we do which includes most data centres and hospitals in Southern Ontario.
From a cost standpoint, Figure about ¢2 per treated litre.
Fuel Analysis, Fuel Polishing, Fuel Transfer or Disposal and Complete Consultation